Friday 17 March 2017

Colours of Thailand

I recently took some time off from painting to expose myself to inspiration from a far away culture : Thialand.

I don't often get the chance to travel great distances, so this experience was a real eye opener for me.
On arrival, I immediately noticed a very deep rooted sense of culture. While the influence of the western world is becoming much a more integrated into part of Thai society, the ancient sacred patterns of art and spirituality still flow alongside mainstream life. I found this very contrasting balance incredible, and beautiful, a considerable skill for a society to harmoniously co-exist with such opposing forces. 

Temples were commonplace, much so in Chiang Mai, where myself and my partner spent some days exploring before travelling up to Pai. 

Being an artist who specialises in vibrancy of colour, I felt I would briefly focus on that in this blog.
Below are a number of images taken from a Temple we found in Chiang Mai.
These photos do not do the artistry of these paintings justice. In life, these paintings were beaming with vibrant, strong colour. It became obvious in that moment, the connection between strong vibrant colour and spirituality. These paintings depict the life and teachings of Buddah. 

Although my own paintings are predominantly abstract, the sense of something spiritual that pure, clean colours evoke is something I can relate to in my work.